Monday, August 4, 2008

A Name and a Blessing

Yesterday I had the privilege of naming and blessing my youngest child. "Rosebud" was perfect throughout the process, mainly because she was asleep. We even had a working microphone for this blessing, unlike for the boy, so my dear wife could actually hear what was said, though writing it down with three children crawling over her proved problematic. I helped fill in some of the gaps from memory.

It was a very humbling experience to name and bless what will in all likelihood be our last child. I say in all likelihood because although my wife had her tubes tied (cut and burnt as well, I like to say), there is always the possibility that we may adopt later in life. I don't think it likely, but one never knows.

In thinking about this event, I realized that my wife and I are done with our childbearing years and are now focused on our "childrearing" years. Which could also conceivably be called "a slow, steady nervous breakdown" if one were only slightly cynical. Fortunately, I am the epitome of optimism...or at least good at fooling myself, so I prefer to think of these as the good years.

Our oldest starts 4th grade and "pixie" starts pre-K this year, so it should be an interesting and exciting time. Did I mention that I don't like exciting? Nope, I'm a boring, keep-it-simple kind of guy. Exciting stinks. But I'm trying to learn to roll with the punches. If life could at least do me the courtesy of keeping them above the belt, it would be easier...

You stay classy, San Diego.