Thursday, July 31, 2008

Welcome aboard

Hidey Ho, Internet Denizens! Welcome to the somewhat bizarre life I lead. Or at least as much of it as I am willing to publicly admit to. I will start out with a few ground rules here in my first post. From them, you may feel free to draw whatever conclusions about my character that you like. But you will probably be wrong. Unless you think I'm just a big dork, which would actually be dead-on. But I digress... To the rules!

First, I will state that I have absolutely zero reason to either A.) keep a blog or B.) think that anyone would actually want to hear my rambling who is not already forced to it by proximity, employment, or blood relation. That will not deter me, however. I am remarkably unconcerned by such trifles. That is, to coin a phrase, how I roll. Deal.

Second, I have been fantastically bad at keeping any sort of regular record of my thoughts, doings, life events, or whatnot for most of my existence on this planet, so I do not expect this blog to be any different. So I doubt that it will be frequently updated. You have been duly warned. So no griping about lack of updates.

Third, I ramble. It's what I do. I dig it. Thus the name of the blog. Expect stream of consciousness, people. I may not do it well, but by gosh I do it frequently, so whenever I do happen to post, the likelihood of it making sense is miniscule, at best. If I were even slightly coherent, I would do this for a living.

Fourth, I sometimes (well, often) use big words that are not found in common parlance. Not because I think I'm all that brilliant (I have learned that harsh lesson quite painfully and no, I do not need any more humility right now, thanks) and not because I think it looks cool (most people just think I'm a dork), but simply because I like big words. They have flavor. They please me. They roll off the tongue. Or the keyboard. Or whatever. Anyway, if you see a word that forces you screaming in frustration to, then sorry. But not really. I try to learn new words regularly and I think everyone should. Blame Stephen R. Donaldson.

Fifth, (what, are you still here? Geez...) I quote movies. Compulsively. I love it. I can't help it. Movies are great and well-written one-liners are worth their weight in gold. Sometimes the quote may be applicable to what I'm writing, sometimes I may just throw it in there. Sometimes I will paraphrase. Rarely will I actually cite the movie I'm quoting, though, so many people just scratch their heads in confusion when I do it. Either way, suffice it to say that if what I'm saying sounds cool or profound or vaguely familiar, I have probably ripped it off from a movie. I never claimed to be original. In fact, my lack of originality is the stuff of legend. If the stuff of legend can be incredibly boring...

Ok, I think that's enough to be going on with for now. If you are still here and still sane, I will leave you with this: My wife is awesome. My three daughters are fabulous. My son is marvelous. My life is blessed. So I hope there will be precious little angst in my future postings, but I will try to make them both shorter and more interesting than this one.

No promises, though.

Stay classy, San Diego.